10/365: Looking through


I always took the back road to go pick up the kids at school to avoid some traffic at the front of the school and in order for me to park along on the street. I noticed the view and so I decided to stop by.

9/365: Dancing tea light candles

I saw tea light candles when I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning and thought I can play with it tonight. So, here is my favorite experiment of the tea light candles from tonight. I waited until all dark and took some pictures away.

7/365 [Nov 13]: Disco Stream lights


Oh no! I am 10 minutes behind to upload my photo today. I have been running around and been busy with all the parties going on and just got home now. I am trying to upload my photos as soon as possible I got home but I guess my program is not opening up soon enough. Anyway, better than nothing at all, so, here it is. We were all dancing from victory from Paquiao-Margarito fight tonight after Paquaio wins from his fight. Karaoke was next and including some dancing around. The hostess put some disco stream light on the background for all of us to have more fun.

6/365 [Nov 12]: Big Books

I was off to library late afternoon today to return some overdue kids book and probably borrow some again but unfortunately they are closed. So, I decided to snap a photo away this book art works in front of the library.

4/365 [Nov 10]: Color of the season


Don’t you just love the color of the season? I do! Here’s the reason why! Love the deep red color of the leaves on tree branches.

3/365 [Nov 9]: Sweetgum ball


I saw this sweetgum ball at a park today and it interests me. And it turned out; this persistent fruit is a woody head of two-celled capsules. Each capsule contains two tiny, black seeds. When they fall, they become the spiny balls that clutter lawns. The fruits mature in autumn and persist on the tree throughout winter.

2/365 [Nov 8]: CLose-up of a fallen leaf


I headed out to Carmichael, CA today for a photo shoot of little Ms. S and what I found are leaves with beautiful different shades of yellow and red leaves covered in their pathway and thought here it is my daily photo subject. One mature tree in their neighborhood hasn’t reached the peak fall color yet and here is the close-up shot of one of the leaves lying on the ground.

1/365 [Nov. 7]: On the Main Street of Woodland, CA


This is it. I decided to do the 365 photo project again after failing the first test this year. It is way harder than I thought but hoping I can get it done. I thought four and a half months of work every day photo was a waste but it is not. I don’t consider it as a waste but just a failure on my side and moreover, I gained more exposure of using my camera.

It has been raining since early morning today. The weather is lousy and the whole family was comfy and lazy just hanging out around the house. Father and daughter both took their nap together and I decided I will start all over again to my 365 photo project. It doesn’t matter what day of the year that I have to start as long as I hope to attain my goal to finish it after a year.

So, there you go. We went out after all for dinner despite the wet weather in Woodland (30 minutes away from where we at). Here it is my first photo for my 365 project – on the Main Street of Woodland, CA. Glad that the rain stops pouring in.

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